Thursday, May 24, 2012


So I have not stayed true to my good eating. I have halfway though but I can honestly say I have not worked out not one day this week. :(   I have Wii Dance, Wii Fit, and Zumba for Wii but with no motivation and my body hurting a lot I have just not found time to do it. I have eaten pretty healthy. I had a whole grain English muffin for breakfast yesterday, poached egg, Swiss cheese, and for dinner a apple and chicken salad with blue cheese crumbles and raspberry pomegranate dressing. However, yesterday I drank a soda and also killed it with two light beers later. I am struggling and though many look at me and say what.. why do you need to diet? It's not that I am dieting I am trying to be more healthy. But I don't have a motivational partner to keep me going and encouraging me every day. It's sad but I ask friends to help me but they are too busy to even do this. So it sucks. If anyone reads this and wants to help motivate me and can live up too it and me motivate you to eat healthy and exercise or even exercise some with me... I would be most thankful. I don't know where to find this person and I don't know why people don't take this more seriously. I am trying but often we need encouragement to succeed. I have drunk coffee today and had a protein bar. We will see how long I can go without totally sabotaging my diet and I hope cleaning the house will make up for not working out a lot this week today.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Starting the healthy diet again today..

I totally failed my died the last two almost three days. There were was so much good food! But here it is Monday and I am having to start over and I am going to crack down. I have already cheated a little with eating spicy pretzels left over from Saturday as well as there is more food we brought home. I have started on my glass of water with lemon and coffee. Now If I can ever wake up.. I am going to work out and do some Wii Fit running and some sit ups. I will give more of my daily activities. But I need some extra help and motivation. I find that even eating healthy snacks is not keeping me satisfied. I eat small meals all day, but I am still starving when I go to bed. Sigh.. I hope this goes away soon! Prayers needed!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I did better today :)

I started my day off with lemon water and coffee. I was constantly on the go so I didn't have any time for working out :-/. Was going to make eggs but had to use that in Jamie's cake. I had cheese and wheat crackers and drank coffee all day. Not one soda. For dinner at PF Changs I had the lettuce wraps and cashew chicken. I went light on the brown rice.

Tomorrow I am going to really do some hard core cardio with my new Zumba Wii party pack and some strength training. Followed by one of the mentioned exercises from Lauren Conrad's bikini camp work out. I hope to post some of my recipes and work outs soon. I need to figure out how to post pics etc in here.

Please keep me motivated I need it! :) 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Have to start this tomorrow.

Well today just stunk. I did eat my egg whites and hot sauce. I also drank water with lemon juice. However I was not good about my eating because I got all stressed. I broke. I think I really have to try and work on this. However, eating protein as it's stated is suppose to fill you up but often I don't feel filled up. I think this is the hardest thing. I don't like white rice, bread, or any of that stuff. But I can't go and rule out all carbs. I don't think diet calls for this. I think the hardest part for me is going to be not breaking under stress and also being able to really work out. When I get stressed I get bad head aches and I start hurting all over. Fibromyalgia is going to be something hard to over come with my boot camp and exercises. I need to swim but sadly I don't know of any open pools and I can' afford a YMCA. So this is going to be difficult to say the least, but I am going to try as hard as I can and see what happens. On an exciting note just ordered Zumba on Wii. I can't wait to add that to my workout list! :)
Hey guys!

I am embarking on a health journey and I thought the best way to keep myself going and excited is to blog about it. All my life I have grown up pretty much eating whatever I wanted. Now upon turning 30 even though I am not by any means over weight, I decided I want to change my eating and fitness habits. I don't want to just lose a few inches but be healthier too. So I am going to be describing my days and my recipes. The workouts I am going to and doing and all my success and of course failures. So I hope to bring you along with me for the ride. So far this morning I have had a Cliff bar blueberry and some water. My next thing to do is to drink a huge glass of water with lemon. This is to get me going for the rest of the day. I am already use to drinking tons of water. But I do have my gingerale almost every day. This needs to completely come down to once a week. Later after I do my first 10 minute aerobics workout on Wii fit. I am going to eat egg whites and a few whole wheat crackers. My Wii Fit exercises will be the one where you do the hula hoop for about 5 minutes and then run for 5 minutes. This is just the first of my day. I will have a mid morning smoothie of pineapple, Greek yogurt, blackberries, Vi shake mix, and some coconut milk. Then start my water drinking. I have a lot of house work to do today, so I will probably allow that to be my other part of my work out for today. It's best to not totally over do yourself. But I will check back in with my lunch and dinner plan and other snacks. :)   Happy Monday!